Friday, April 21, 2006

Easter and A Trip to the Park

Dayna's first Easter was filled with hugs and kisses and several bunnies from adoring family members (mommy included) but the chocolate was all for Mommy and Daddy. Oh well, I'll work if off eventually. Here are some pics:

Dayna and her favourite cousin Jenna on Easter Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa Klip's farm. It was a gorgeous warm day. Dayna was outside most of the afternoon in just her short-sleeved dress. It was fabulous.

On Easter Monday, Shawna, myself and our babies went for a walk and stopped by the park for some swinging. Dayna seemed to like it. Now I have to go and get one of those baby/toddler swings to hang on a tree at the farm.

Here's our honey-pie all dressed up on Good Friday at Grandma Wahl's house. The "grown-ups" had lots of fun stuffing our faces and going for a walk down the Post Road. We also enjoyed some football in the warm sun. My arms paid for that the next day.

More poses at Grandma Jackie's place. Dayna had on the cutest white sun dress with a matching cardigan that Grandma picked up while in California this winter. So adorable!

Oh's another swing picture. I guess she'll grow into it eventually

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