Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Only two more months

Our baby is 10 months old today. I don't have any pics but, well, really he looks just the same as in the previous post :)

Here's a little update on his "can dos" and "not yets"

Gavin can do the following:
- Clap his hands
- Babble a bunch
- Stand holding into my fingers
- Eat lots of "grown-up" food including: toast, Cheerios, mashed potatoes, cheese, yogurt, banana chunks, meat-balls, and chicken
- Sit for a long time just playing
- Sit in the bathtub without tipping over
- Lets us pour water over his face without crying like his big sister
- Tips over his basket to get his toys
- Knock over a stack of blocks, one-by-one
- Laugh when you laugh or when Dayna laughs
- Loves if we play peek-a-boo with him or Patty Cake
- Use his pincer grasp to pick up small stuff like individual Cheerios or rice puffs
- Oh yeah...he can also send mom to the looney bin from being so very, very clingy. Can't a girl get some me-time? Maybe when she's 35...

Gavin isn't yet able to do the following:
- no crawling
- no rolling over
- no cruising
- no walking
- no doing peek-a-boo by himself with a blanket or cloth
- no Mama or Dada...not even anything close
- no waving bye-bye
- no sign language although we use it everyday when talking to him

As far as his size goes, he's still around 24 lbs, give or take and I guess that's probably in the 90th percentile. He's on the short side though and his cousin Brady is for sure an inch or two taller than him. His thigh rolls are diminishing and now he's just a regular chubby baby, not the "Michelin man" of his 6-month old days. He wears clothes anywhere from size 12 mth up to size 2 which makes shopping difficult. He has 3 1/2 teeth, two chiclets on the bottom, one on top and a 4th is almost out. His hair is growing longish over his ears. His feet are still kind of splayed outward, well, truthfully they are pointed totally outward but we had x-rays done and so far nobody has called me back so I guess it's nothing to be concerned about. His laugh comes from deep in his belly and is the most contagious giggle I've ever heard. Basically, he's a very happy, healthy, smiley baby boy who lights up our lives daily. At least once a day I want to cuddle him to pieces to the point that I think I scare him with my vigour but I just can't help it. He's so darn C-U-T-E!!!

We love you little man and can't wait to see how you'll change as we approach the 1 year mark. Stay tuned


Sawatzky family said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly the time flies! You have been blessed with one of the cutest little guys out there! :) But I do say the more pictures the better even if he hasn't changed from the last post! lol I am a bit of a picture junkie when it comes to babies! hehehehehe Great post...you can always look back and know exactly how far he has come in the coming year! Like a digital baby book!
Shelly and gang

The Klassen's said...

That's crazy that he's almost a year.. I can't believe it was almost a year ago I took those pics of him. Time just flies. Sorry we missed visiting you guys on the weekend. I know you were away at a wedding but I think Alex was coming down to B's with the kiddies. We left just before 8 for someone's bedtime..

Stephanie said...

Hey Rachel, the toy lending library at the family resource centre has some great baby signing time videos you can sign out and the town library has 3 more regular signing time videos...not on the kids video wall but the other one closer to the desk. Madelyn LOVES them (lots of kids and colour and fun songs) and she picks up on the signing right away...may or may not be Gavin's thing but easy and cheap to try. I also have a couple Baby Einstein ones we are not using right now that you can borrow if you want.
