Wednesday, April 08, 2009

9 months already

The two of us have so much fun together. We laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh some more.

Yeah....I'm cool.

This Big Kahoona is already NINE MONTHS OLD. Whoa...what happened to all that time? Well, I'm still a very big boy but my dr. is happy that I've come back onto the chart at the 91st percentile. I'm weighing 24 lbs 4.5 oz and I guess that's a little more in the "normal" range than last time when I was totally off the whole chart. I still love to eat and sleep and play all day. I'm in total love with my mama. If she so much as moves out of eye-sight but in the same room, I immediately start crying. Then, when I see her again, the crocodile tears cease and I'm all smiles again. It can be frustrating for her but mostly she loves to feel so needed...*sigh*

I can clap and that is SOOOO much fun for me. I giggle at the same mama swoons when I do it.

Lately I've started giving this closed-lip smile. It's awefully cute and when I cock my head to the side at the same time people go crazy for me and my coy-ness.


Sheree said...

Rachel, That last photo is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. He is so cute.

Luv ya

Sawatzky family said...

Great pictures of the little man! :) I agree that last picture is terribly cute.
Shelly and gang

The Klassen's said...

He is so BEAUTIFUL, Rach! Wow he's growing so fast! Love the one with him clapping!

Melissa said...

Oh what a cute little guy! Hard to believe...9 months!! He looks so happy and smiley. Gotta love a happy baby :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE !!!!! Auntie Marion