Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tonight it will be 7 years ago that I got a 2:00 a.m phone call with the aweful news that my cousin had been in a serious car accident. For the next 5 days we kept vigil at his bed side but it was not to be. God had other plans. There are so many "what ifs" that run through my mind when I think of that day. If the roads hadn't been so slippery. If that steel box hadn't been there. If, if, if...

Maybe he would have a wife and kids by now? Maybe the rest of his family would have moved back here? Maybe we would have gotten to be closer friends like I had always wanted but didn't make a move on? Maybe everything in my life would be different if we didn't go through that experience as a family. . . I know for sure that the pain of that experience and watching his family deal with the loss of his life is something I wouldn't wish on anyone and hope we never have to do again.

So I will pray for safe travels whenever a loved-one is on the road. Please do the same for your family.


Angela said...

I read your story and am reminded of my close family friend who will be gone 16 years this fall. I remember the call,where i was sitting and what i was feeling.He was supposed to have been okay but things changed during surgery.
Hope the family and you have peace today.

Anonymous said...

Know how you feel....rembering Courtney..... Love & Kisses