Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our family expands again

What great news! We've been blessed with another nephew/cousin. Auntie Sheree and Uncle DJ are the pround new parents of a healthy baby boy. Actually, he's Altona's "New Years Baby". Cool...
Introducing the newest member of the Wahl family:
Morley Jack Wahl
Born: January 9, 2009
Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz
Length: 23 1/4 inches
Time: 8:00 pm 'ish (I think...)

The Wahl brothers with their baby boys. Morley - 1 day and Gavin - 6 months.


Anonymous said...

Priceless!!!!!!!!!! auntie Marion

Erlandson Family said...

i didn't even know they were pregnant till i got the echo.. VERY cool... :)