Thursday, June 07, 2007

Brainwashing by Barney: 101

Okay. So here they are. Finally a moments peace. L-R: Jenna (almost 4), Dayna, 20 mths and Erica, 4.5 mths. A minute ago - chaos, yelling, hooting, hollering, running, jumping, kids yelling,"MINE" and "NO". All I have to say is, "should mommy turn on barney?" And the crow erupts in a chorus of "Yeah, yeah, yeah....BARNEY'S COMING!"

It's creepy. that's all I have to say. Thanks Rita. I'll be forever in-debted to you. You know what I mean...


Erlandson Family said...

blogging seems to be the "mommy" thing to do these days, eh?? :)

Oak said...

Barney has saved us on a number of occasions, because of this I love that dinosaur!

Anonymous said...

i should try that with my class...on second thought, i prob. wouldn't have a job for long...

The Klassen's said...

LMAO I love that Rachel! haha So sad.. Hey, at least it's not tellitubbies!! Don't EVER let them know that's out there! ;) Hope to see you guys soon.

Dayle said...

If it gets a moment of peace and quiet it's worth it!! Barney is the ONLY thing Olivia will actually sit down to watch for more than 30 I say YAY BARNEY!

Dayle said...
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