Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fall Time Fun

Well, I'm getting a little behind in my posting of Dayna as her first year has now ended. Over the past couple of weeks we've been very, very busy with several birthdays, Thanksgiving and several birthday parties. Now that life has settled down I can update all our far off (and nearby) loved ones on Dayna's exceptional cuteness and lovable nature.

This set of pics is from one beautiful evening when we decided to rake some leaves and bag up some of them into those orange bags that are supposed to look like carved pumpkins. Dayna had a blast playing in the leaves and "helping" daddy pack the bags. She's not yet walking but she'll take a helping hand whenever its offered.

1 comment:

Oak said...

Love the leaves! What a cutie!!!
We look at your blog all of the time and have been waiting for an update!

Hollie & Oakley