Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mommy time

I just jogged the better part of 3 miles.
I was alone.
I listened to music.
I thought about my dad.
I watched spray planes.
I gazed at canola fields.
I didn't get any mosquito bites.
The sun was shining.
It wasn't raining.
Cars raced past me.
No phones rang.
No one was crying.
It was bliss.

That's all.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done. Not only the running but no mosquito bites??? You must run fast!

Rachel said...

hahahahahahaha...I run soooooooooo slow it's not even funny :) But I did use a ton of spray.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say 'nice' already at the comment about no musquitos... Then I read the no crying and thought 'NICE'...

Sawatzky family said...

Well said Rachel!
I love my running time :)
Great job on the 3 miles!!!!!

Sheree said...

Good for you... You totally deserve the alone time.
lov ya